7 bed roomed house with 4 sitting rooms and a spacious veranda, 2 kitchens with a specious store. It contains a servant quarter with a store in it. The house is on a 1/4 acre piece of land. It is suitable for an institution, offices or a home |
7 bed roomed house with 4 sitting rooms and a spacious veranda, 2 kitchens with a specious store. It contains a servant quarter with a store in it. The house is on a 1/4 acre piece of land. It is suitable for an institution, offices or a home |
Mamboleo 1/2 acre going for 1.5m.
Riat 0.10 acres going for 1.7m
Kibos 0.03ha(x2) going for 500k
A beach plot 7 acres going for 30m
Mamboleo 1 acre going for 5m
Milimani 0.06 ha going for 7m